• Vivid Biology is on sabbatical until 2028
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Vivid Biology is on sabbatical until 2028
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Vivid Biology is on pause from 2025 to 2028. This is because Claudia is living in Madrid, Spain.

She is still taking freelance work as a sole trader, send a message using the button above.

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Repeats in cancer trials
The need for repeats
Repeats in cancer trials
The need for repeats
Repeats in cancer trials

Magazine illustration

The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology

This illustration was created for eLife, for 'The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology', where reproducibility in preclinical cancer research was investigated. It was a collaboration between the Centre for Open Science and Science Exchange. Selected experiments from 50 well-known papers in cancer biology were replicated. In short, results from all experiments were combined and analysed and the research group involved reported on the challenges they encountered throughout the process of replicating the experiments.

The need for repeats

The more repeats, the lower the chance of a mistake occurring and thus the more reliable the results will be. This means a trial must be easily replicable, so repeated trials can be compared and combined.