• Vivid Biology is on sabbatical until 2028
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Vivid Biology is on sabbatical until 2028
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Vivid Biology is on pause from 2025 to 2028. This is because Claudia is living in Madrid, Spain.

She is still taking freelance work as a sole trader, send a message using the button above.

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Population Health Science Totem
Code of Life
Population Health Science Totem
Code of Life
Population Health Science Totem
University of Bristol

Public engagement
Product design
Science Art Collaboration

Code of Life

The displayed design illustrates a strand of DNA that evokes a sense of awe and wonder at the intricacy of the genetic code that underpins all life on earth. It serves as a visual reminder of the remarkable process of passing genetic material from one generation to the next, a process that has played a vital role in the evolution of the human population. Population health science is the study of the health of populations and the factors that influence it, ultimately understanding the health of entire communities. Genetics is an important aspect of population health science, as it plays a key role in identifying risk factors for certain diseases or health conditions that may be more prevalent in certain populations due to genetic predispositions.