• Vivid Biology is on sabbatical until 2028
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Vivid Biology is on sabbatical until 2028
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Vivid Biology is on pause from 2025 to 2028. This is because Claudia is living in Madrid, Spain.

She is still taking freelance work as a sole trader, send a message using the button above.

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Jennifer Doudna
Jennifer Doudna
Jennifer Doudna
Gurdon Institute

Event poster

High profile seminar poster

Vivid Biology have collaborated with the Gurdon Institute to advertise their seminars since 2012. To date we have illustrated for approximately 80 seminars over seven years. The Gurdon Institute seminar series sees researchers from around the world being invited to the Gurdon Institute in Cambridge to give a lecture on their most recent work. There are typically 10-12 seminars per year. 

Creating a poster for Prof Jennifer Doudna was the most high-profile seminar that we have designed for. We picked a yellow base to make the poster stand out in public, and created a version of the traditional CRISPR diagram than included the helical structure of DNA. This required some research into electron microscopy to estimate how many turns were present on each part of the gRNA.


CRISPR, or clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, are a component of the bacterial immune system that help it target and destroy invading double-stranded viral DNA. It's also a promising technology that could allow us to precisely edit DNA.