• Vivid Biology is on sabbatical until 2028
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Vivid Biology is on sabbatical until 2028
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Vivid Biology is on pause from 2025 to 2028. This is because Claudia is living in Madrid, Spain.

She is still taking freelance work as a sole trader, send a message using the button above.

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H2 Room
Fishing for information
H2 Room
Fishing for information
H2 Room

Wall Art

Mural artwork

These pieces were created to decorate the three meeting rooms of the new offices of Mendeley/Elsevier at the Alphabeta Building in London’s Finsbury Square. The rooms are named after three common elemental gases, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen.  

Fishing for information

The artworks illustration the difficulty that scientific researchers have finding the papers that they want to, as shown by researchers fishing for topics using a Claw Grab machine (Hydrogen). However, with the right tools the researchers can efficiently capture and utilise the information they require for their work.